The city of
Surveys of all commercial water customers and some multi-unit residential customers will begin for City of Americus in July 2011. The purpose of the inspections is to update the City of Americus Cross Connection Control program. The surveys involve inspections of each property in order to determine the hazard level of the location and whether sufficient backflow protection is in place. Based on prioritization of building use hazard levels, commercial properties will be inspected first, followed by multi-unit residential buildings.
Why are these changes being made?
By request of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division, The City of Americus is updating its Cross
Connection Control Program. In order to comply with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974; the
Georgia Safe Drinking Water Act of 1977, the Georgia Rules for Safe Drinking Water; and the Georgia
State Plumbing Code, the City of Americus will be performing site inspections and updating its ordinances
and policies.
What is Backflow?
The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures, or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable water
supply (City of Americus Water System) from any source or sources other than the intended source.
How will this affect me?
The policies and procedures are being put into place in order to protect the water supply and keep the
City of Americus water distribution system as safe as possible. Following inspections and hazard level
determination, each property will be provided recommendations to achieve compliance with the above
mentioned requirements. Once implemented, everyone will benefit from the improved water system
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