The city of
City Manager
The City Manager is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Mayor and City Council. As the chief administrative officer of the city, the City Manager is directly responsible for the efficient administration of all city government departments.
The duties and powers of the City Manager include the following:
Implementing & enforcing all laws and ordinances & programs approved by the City Council
Making recommendations for ordinances and legislation necessary for efficient operation for the City
Informing the Mayor & Council of the City’s financial position
Preparing the City’s annual recommend operating and capital budgets
Directs and supervises the City’s leadership team to include all city department heads
To fulfill these duties, the City Manager is aided by an organization of city departments. The talent and skills of nearly 200 city employees are under the immediate direction of the department heads appointed by and responsible to the City Manager.

Diadra Powell is the City Manager of the City of Americus. She has served in this role for approximately three years which includes serving as Interim City Manager for a year. Prior to becoming the City Manager, she served as the Finance Director for the City of Americus for 7 years. She has over 18 years of local government experience.
Diadra was instrumental in the city of Americus receiving for the first time in its history, the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. Under her leadership, the City of Americus has continued to receive the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the 34th consecutive year. These awards, presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, are the highest forms of recognition in government budgeting and financial reporting.
Diadra holds a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Finance and a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry from East Carolina University. She is also a Certified Public Manager through the University of Georgia.
As an army veteran, Diadra earned several awards including an Army Commendation Medal and an Army Achievement Medal. Diadra is also married to a retired Marine.
Diadra can be reached at 229-924-4411 or via email at dpowell@americusga.gov.

Laquithia S. Leverette
Senior Management Assistant
101 W Lamar Street | Americus, GA 31709
(229) 924-4411 Ext. 253
Laquithia S. Leverette is the Senior Management Assistant for the City of Americus.
She serves as liaison between the City Manager and departments, staff members, the public, community leaders, outside agencies, or other individuals or organizations for the distribution and receipt of routine information; interacts with various officials and dignitaries involving sensitive client relations;
track Mayor & Councils request to include follow-ups and call backs and provide updates when necessary; track citizen concerns for follow-up and completion.
At the direction of the City Manager, conducts advanced level research, analytical and administrative tasks in support of the City Manager’s office.
Assist in preparation of material for City Council agendas and other Department Head Meetings.
provide information or technical assistance and follows-up as required; prepare research reports to serve as a basis for executive action.
Serves as the Deputy City Clerk, in the absence of the City Clerk.
She is a Sumter County native with over 5 years of local government experience. She also has experience from her service as the Administrative Assistant to the Americus Police Department for more than 4 years, and prior to that, she worked 15 1/2 years with Mental Health and Substance Abuse.
Laquithia is a member of the Georgia Association of Chief of Police, a member of the Georgia Municipal Clerks Association, and a Certified Property and Evidence Specialist.