The city of
City A - Z Directory
Tax Collections
Property taxes in the City are collected by the Finance Director. Taxes are due in two installments. Tax bills are mailed in July and October.
City Facilities
Tours of City facilities are available; please schedule two weeks in advance. For information call:
Americus Fire Department - 924-3213
Americus Police Department - 924-3677
Municipal Building - CAO - 924-4411
Water Treatment Plant - 924-4418
Wastewater Treatment Plant - 924-4419
Traffic Signals
To report problems with traffic signals located in the City, call the Public Works Department.
For emergencies after 5:00 p.m., call the Middle Flint Regional E911 Center.
Traffic Tickets
All traffic tickets issued in the City are processed by the Americus Municipal Court System.
The City of Americus operates a public transit system if you need a ride for shopping, work, doctor, or other group charter service. Operating hours are 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. For further information please call the Americus Public Transit.
Trash is collected bi-monthly throughout the City on a scheduled collection day. Trash means leaves, brush, yard clippings and small limbs.
For more information or to arrange for service contact the Utility Billing Department 924-4411.
To report a missed service contact Advanced Disposal 928-1170.
To report illegal dumping contact the Code Enforcement Officer at 924-4411.
See Fallen Trees
Park, Shade and Street
The City of Americus has adopted a tree ordinance that establishes rules for planting and removal of trees in City parks and on City right of way. For more information contact the Community & Economic Development Department.