The city of
City A - Z Directory
Cable Television
Cable television in the City is provided under a franchise with Mediacom. For installation and service call Mediacom.
The City owns and operates Eastview Cemetery on Ashby Street, Oak Grove Cemetery on Reese Street and Sunset Memorial Gardens. . For more information call the Cemetery Clerk.
Chamber of Commerce
The Americus/Sumter County Chamber of Commerce, 404 West Lamar Street, serves the Americus/Sumter County area. The Chamber provides economic, business, and tourist information.
City Council
The Americus City Council is composed of the Mayor and six Council members. The City Council reviews all City activities and sets policies for the growth and development of the community. The Council holds a monthly business meeting. The Council Committees also meet monthly. For information on Council actions or agenda items, or to appear before the City Council, contact the City Clerk.
Code Enforcement
The Code Enforcement Team is made up of the City’s Department Heads and was created to address code enforcement problems in the City. The team will work closely with residents and merchants in neighborhoods in need of special assistance to reduce and prevent criminal activity and neighborhood decay. Contact the Code Enforcement Officer.
Consumer Complaints
The Better Business Bureau issues reliability reports on businesses and mediates consumer business complaints.