The city of
Public Works
We can all help to protect our water!
There are many things that we can all do on a daily basis to protect our water resources. One of the most important things you can do to protect our local water resources is don’t throw anything down a storm drain that you wouldn’t swim in or fish in. Stopping pollution at its source reduces the problems that the City’s stormwater management program must deal with and ensures that the City’s local water resources are preserved for our children.

2017 Consumer Confidence Report
Your TSPLOST Dollars at Work!

Tripp Street Bike Lane
Sidewalk Repairs
Curb & Gutter Repairs
Resurfacing of Cotton Avenue and J.R. Campbell Street
Speed Bumps
Brookdale & Peachtree Repairs
Paving & Parking Lot for Eastview Cemetery
Repairs & Repaving of Lee Street
Repairs & Repaving of Railroad Street
And so many more!