The city of
Renaissance Strategic Vision & Plan
Outline of Projects
Communicating with Students Ongoing
GSW and SGTC Community Involvement Ongoing
Connecting GSW and Americus High School Students to Downtown
Connecting Downtown with GSW Campus Completed
Coordinating a transportation system during peak times to bring students downtown
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Completed
City Services Downtown
Keeping all city services such as bill-paying, downtown
Civic Leadership Quarterly Meetings Completed
Improving communication with civic groups through quarterly meetings and planning sessions
100 Volunteers Completed
Calendar Coordination and Promotion
City Website
Smile Americus Campaign
Positivity for tourists coming to town
Coordinate Extended-Hour Events
Create a First Friday Event Completed
Rylander Theatre
Kids Matinee Movies on Big Shopping Days
A Monthly Thursday, Friday, or Saturday Night Movie Completed
Rylander Social/Mixer
Dinner and a Movie
Farm to Table Walk
Showcase local foods in a fun and festive atmosphere
Develop a “Shop Downtown” Campaign
Advertise to Students Ongoing
Promote 1, 2, and 3 day Trips Completed
Yearly Fashion Events
Walk Campaign
Clean Up Downtown
Light up Alleys at night Completed
Improve the look of Gateways/Corridors In progress
Infrastructure Connectivity (improvements)
Determine the maintenance schedule for all downtown infrastructure Completed
Sidewalks In progress
Bike lanes
Secondary roads
adding more sidewalks for foot traffic
planting trees on secondary roads
Curb Cuts
Connect Downtown and the Hwy 19 Park
Beautify Downtown Derelict Properties In progress
Playground at Lenny’s Farmer’s Market
Jackson Street Depot Completed
Traffic-Calming Solutions In progress
Pedestrians along Lamar Street and West Forsyth Streets In progress
Make crossing the street safe
Add more crosswalks, bike lanes, etc.
Rylander Park In progress
Complete Street Policy Completed
Making the streets safer for citizens to walk and bike all over Americus
Design Helper Group Completed
Free consultation for façade improvements and historic preservation
Garden Club Downtown Planters Completed
Façade Grant Program Completed
Economic Vitality
Business Retention
Business retention and expansion in progress
Business recruitment through SGTC and GSW
Recruit new businesses In progress
Downtown incentive workshop
Housing Redevelopment Tools
SGTC, GSW, and Downtown
Downtown property development or programmatic opportunities for future SGTC and GSW campus needs
Code Enforcement Completed
Safety Grants Completed
Wiring and fire safety grants to encourage upper-story housing redevelopment
Form-Based Code
The appearance of buildings
Arts and Entertainment District Completed
Using vacant areas of downtown for arts and entertainment
Outside of Downtown:
McGarrah Street Entry Corridor
Decrease road width
Incorporate Civil Rights memorabilia to pay homage to Americus’ rich Civil Rights history
Historic Residential Neighborhoods
Land Bank Completed
Used to effectively manage and repurpose an inventory of underused, abandoned, or foreclosed properties
Muckalee Creek Park Improvements In progress
Making improvements to programming a canoe and kayak launch, rear entry pedestrian and biking access that connect to downtown, trails, wayfinding signage and a dog park
Rails with Trails Cannot Happen
Adding a greenway that runs adjacent to the railroad tracks
Golf Carts