The city of
The City of Americus contracts for curbside pick-up of household garbage, yard waste, bulk items (household items that are too big to fit in wheeled container) and appliances.
All waste are picked up once a week and should be placed curbside by 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection.

Household garbage
All garbage must be bagged and placed in the wheeled cart provided by the City.
Non-containerized garbage will not be collected.
No cart may exceed 50 lbs.
Yard waste, bulk items and appliances
All leaves, grass clippings, pine straw, and hedge clippings, must be bagged in regular leaf bags or smaller.
Non-containerized leaves, grass clippings and small yard debris will not be collected.
No can, bag or bulk item may exceed 50 lbs.
Cut tree limbs and shrubs are not to exceed 4' in length and 50 lbs. in weight.
Separate piles should be made for bagged yard waste and solid materials such as limbs, lumber, shingles, metal, plastics and appliances.
No-pickup holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas.
NOTE: If collection day falls on a holiday, service will take place one day later for that day and for the remainder of the week following the holiday
The following items will NOT be picked-up curbsided:
Concrete, bricks, cement block
Dirt, tree stumps, trunks or limbs bigger than 12 inches in diameter
Contractor debris or demolition debris