The city of
Taxes & Licensing
Property Taxes
Property taxes are billed in two installments with due dates on September 1st and December 20th. The first billing is based on half of the previous year’s total tax assessment. The second billing is based on the current assessed value of the property at the current millage rate less the amount collected on the first installment billing. Since the millage rate is actually set in October, the second billing will include both adjustments in property value and millage rate changes.
Interest rate calculation for delinquent tax bills and the associated penalties was changed with House Bill 960 during the 2016 legislative session with an effective date of July 1, 2016. House Bill 960 affects both real & personal property, alcoholic beverage tax, hotel motel tax, sales & use tax and refunds.
Interest will be calculated at .542% per month based on an annual calculation of the Federal Prime Rate plus 3%.
Note: The annual interest rate will change when the Federal Reserve announces the new Bank Prime Loan rate in January each year.
Penalty fees on delinquent property taxes will be 5% after 120 days with an additional 5% assessed after each successive 120 days to a maximum of 20% of the principle amount due.
Alcoholic Beverage License
The City regulates the consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places and businesses, and sets selling hours for alcoholic beverages through its local ordinance. The administration and enforcement of this ordinance is handled by our Police Department; however licenses are issued only through the vote of full Council. The license is valid for only one calendar year and must be renewed annually. The renewal applications are reviewed and voted on by Council each December. The requirements for both the licensee and the physical establishment are available in chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances. Quarterly reporting of alcohol sales in required by the 20th of the month following the end of the Quarter.
Affidavit for Public Benefits
Daisy Little
Tax & Licensing Specialist
217 W. Forsyth Street
229-924-4411 Ext. 231
Toni Minter
Customer Service Admin
217 W. Forsyth Street
229-924-4411 Ext. 226
Business License
In order to operate a business within the city limits of Americus, the operator must have a valid business license.
This is obtained by preparing an annual occupational tax return and remitting the appropriate amount of business and occupational taxes. The Finance Department mails renewal tax returns each year on January 15th. The returns are due back to the City by January 31st.
Once the City processes the returns, invoices are mailed and the remittance is due by March 15th. Invoices not paid by this date are considered delinquent and are subject to penalties and interest. Please see the below link for a “new business license application.” To learn more, please see the FAQ section.