The city of
Abandoned Vehicle
An abandoned vehicle, by city definition, is a vehicle that is not running, and/or does not have proper insurance or registration.
If a vehicle falls under these categories then it is considered abandoned and can not be on property inside the city limits of Americus.
Contact the Code Enforcement Office to report an abandoned vehicle. |
Farrah Rutherford
Code Enforcement Officer
101 West Lamar Street
2nd Floor, Municipal Building
229-924-4411 ext. 238
Un-kept Property
Property must be maintained in a well kept condition. Grass and bushes can not be overgrown, and property must be kept free of debris and trash.
There are to be no abandoned vehicles on the property.
The city enforces this ordinance in order to keep the city clean and beautiful.
Contact the Code Enforcement Office to report un-kept property.